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Work Year
Work Year
  1. Daylight Savings Time
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Daylight Savings Time
Japan does not have daylight saving time. However, it did for a few years after World War II. The American occupation authority imposed daylight saving-time on Japan in 1945. The Japanese called it sama taimu or “summer time.” Most Japanese did not like it. Life was very hard after the war and they believed that daylight-saving time just made their hard days even longer. Japanese farmers, like farmers in many other countries, objected to the idea since their schedules (and their animals’ schedules) are often tied to sunrise. However, the idea of reintroducing daylight saving time is discussed frequently today. Japan’s Ministry of Trade and Industry, for example, tried to reintroduce it because it saves energy; the longer daytime hours mean people use less energy for lighting mornings and evenings. But Ministry of Education officials objected, fearing that the long light-filled evenings would entice children to stay outside, instead of doing their homework. And office workers expressed concern that longer hours of daylight would simply mean longer working hours because dusk, signaling the end of the workday, would come much later in the evening. Do you think Japan should adopt daylight saving time? Why or why not?
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