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A collection of brightly colored Easter eggs.
Cultural Holidays
  1. Chinese New Year
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  3. Valentine’s Day (February 14)
  4. Groundhog Day
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  6. St. Patrick’s Day (March 17)
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  8. Easter
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Children, at the White House, roll eggs with spoon
Easter Egg roll at the White House
Photo Courtesy the White House. Photo by Eric Draper.
Easter is the most important Christian holy day. Christians believe that after Jesus died on the cross and was buried, on Good Friday, that he arose from the dead three days later, the day now celebrated as Easter. Easter is a joyful day for Christians who believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus was a miraculous event that washed away human sins and repaired the relationship between God and humankind.Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, which falls sometime between March 22 and April 25. The Easter worship service is one of the high points on the Christian church calendar. Many Americans participate in Easter traditions that are not religious. European immigrants brought some of these traditions to the United States. In the eighteenth century, for example, German immigrants told their children that the Easter Bunny would leave Easter baskets for good boys and girls. Today, American children receive candy-filled Easter baskets left for them by the “Easter Bunny.” Children also dye eggs, called eggs and participate in festive egg hunts. The giving of eggs can be traced back to the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, who believed eggs to be symbols of life. In Europe, eggs were colored to represent Spring sunlight.
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