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Several fireworks going off in the night sky.
Public Holidays
  1. New Year’s Day
  2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  3. Presidents Day
  4. Memorial Day
  5. Independence Day
  6. Labor Day
  7. Columbus Day
  8. 退役軍人の日(11月11日)
  9. Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)
  10. Christmas (December 25)
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parade of men in colonial era clothing
People dressed in colonial era clothing, recalling the days of President Washington.
Photo Courtesy of Christine Wynne.
Presidents Day
Americans honor all American presidents on the third Monday in February. Before 1971, President George Washington’s birthday was observed on February 22nd. President Washington was America’s first president and served from 1789-1797. President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was also observed during February, on the 12th. President Lincoln served as president from 1861-1865 and is well known for his role during the Civil War and for his delivery of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which freed the slaves. In 1971, President Richard Nixon decided to honor all presidents during the same month and declared the third Monday in February, President’s Day. That same year, President Nixon changed many federal holidays to the nearest Monday of their actual date. On President’s Day, most public institutions and banks close, but private businesses like grocery stores and malls are open. Many department stores and malls offer sales on President’s Day.Alexandria, Virginia celebrates President’s Day with a giant parade and authentic reenactments of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Descendents of Revolutionary and Civil War veterans participate and help organize the unique event.
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