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A barn and silo under a blue sky.
  1. Farm efficiency in the United States
  2. Who Farms in the United States?
  3. Growth of Large Corporate Farming
  4. Minorities as Farm Operators
  5. Agricultural Subsidies
  6. Food for Peace Program
  7. Major Crops in the United States
  8. Major U.S. Crops: Corn
  9. Major U.S. Crops: Soybeans
  10. Major U.S. Crops: Wheat
  11. Major U.S. Crops: Cotton
  12. Planting and Harvesting Cotton
  13. Major U.S. Crops: Rice
  14. How Rice Is Grown in the United States
  15. Dairy Farming in the United States
  16. Cheese Production in the United States
  17. Poultry and Meat Production in the United States
  18. Raising Cattle for Beef
  19. Factory Farming
  20. Farm Mechanization in the United States
  21. Biotechnology and Farming in the United States
  22. Organic Farming in the United States
  23. Farm Aid
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Fields surround several white farm buildings.
A typical large American farm. The tall white structure is a silo where grain is stored.
Photo Courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture. Photo by Scott Bauer.
Major Crops in the United States
Corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and hay account for 90% of harvested acreage in the United States. Corn, wheat, and soybeans are grown for both animal feed and human consumption. Cotton is used to make clothing and other products. Hay is grass or other plants such as alfalfa or clover that are dried and used for animal feed. Click on PICTURES below to see an additional photo of a farm family compound. Click on CHARTS below for additional information about crops.
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