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Older photo of men holding signs on strike.
Labor Unions
  1. U.S. Labor Unions in the 1940s
  2. U.S. Unions in the Cold War
  3. Public worker unions in the United States
  4. Decline in Strike Activity in the US
  5. Union Membership Across the United States
  6. Right-to-Work Laws
  7. Types of Unions in the United States
  8. The AFL-CIO
  9. Labor Contracts in the United States
  10. Strikes in the United States
  11. What Happens During a Strike
  12. Long Strikes and Violence
  13. The 1964 Civil Rights Act
  14. Union Campaign Contributions and Political Influence
  15. Unions and Politics
  16. U.S. Unions in the 90s and Today
  17. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: George Meany
  18. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: John L. Lewis
  19. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: Walter Reuther
  20. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: A. Philip Randolph
  21. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: Jimmy Hoffa
  22. Important U.S. Labor Leaders: Caesar Chavez
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JFK stands beneath an AFL-CIO banner welcoming him
AFL-CIO unions contributed to John F. Kennedy’s success in winning the 1960 presidential election.
Photo from AFL-CIO.
Unions and Politics
Labor unions have long been actively involved in American politics. Over the years unions have used their money and manpower to support political candidates who are sympathetic to labor causes. By the early 1950s labor, which had strongly supported the election of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman in the 1940s, had made itself an important player within the Democratic Party. The close relationship between labor and the Democratic Party on the national level peaked in the 1960s, when labor unions overwhelmingly supported the presidential candidacies of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey. Click on PICTURES below to see an additional photo of major labor leader A. Philip Randolph with President Johnson, about 1966.
Special Terms: Franklin Roosevelt  |  Harry S. Truman

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