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  3. 松の内と小正月(1月)
  4. 節分(2月3日)
  5. バレンタインデー(2月14日)
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  11. 父の日(6月の第三日曜日)
  12. 七夕(7月7日)
  13. 暑中見舞い
  14. お中元
  15. お盆
  16. 七五三(11月15日)
  17. クリスマス(12月25日)
  18. お歳暮
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Under blooming cherry trees, three people set up food and drink on a tarp
People gather to sit under the cherry blossoms, often with elaborate picnics.
Photo from Miya-chan's Gallery.
Cherry Blossom Viewing Season or Hanami (late March to early April)
Japan’s hanami (‘flower viewing’) season stretches from the end of March until April, when the sakura are blooming. The cherry blossom is Japan’s national flower and the most beloved flower of the Japanese people. During its brief blooming period, people gather at parks and promenades lined with cherry trees to enjoy the flowers. Under sakura trees in full bloom, people eat, drink, sing and chat, partying until late at night. As the cherry blossom season draws near, the Japan Meteorological Agency starts a “cherry blossom front” report to inform people when cherry blossoms will bloom in a particular region of Japan. Many people check the cherry blossom front on the news and make plans for their hanami parties. Since this is one of the most beautiful times in Japan, sketching competitions for children are held across the county, and children with drawing boards are a common sight.
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