- 日本の暦
- 六曜
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- 節分(2月3日)
- バレンタインデー(2月14日)
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- ホワイトデー(3月14日)
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- 端午の節句(5月5日)
- 母の日(5月の第二日曜日)
- 父の日(6月の第三日曜日)
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- 暑中見舞い
- お中元
- お盆
- 七五三(11月15日)
- クリスマス(12月25日)
- お歳暮
A delivery of Carnations for Mother's Day.
Photo Courtesy Kitayama no Sato
Mother’s Day (second Sunday in May)
The second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day. Children show their appreciation of their mothers by sending cards and presents on this day. Some kindergartens and grade schools have pupils draw pictures of their mothers or make handcrafted gifts.
Mother’s Day started in the United States in the beginning of the twentieth century, and soon after began to be introduced in Japan through the Christian churches. In 1931, the government designated March 6th, the birthday of the empress at that time, as the official Mother’s Day. After WWII, Mother’s Day returned to the second Sunday of May.
Carnations are the most common flowers to give on Mother’s Day. Some children show their appreciation to their mothers by helping with house chores or by giving them back massages.
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