- 日本の暦
- 六曜
- 松の内と小正月(1月)
- 節分(2月3日)
- バレンタインデー(2月14日)
- ひな祭り(3月3日)
- ホワイトデー(3月14日)
- 花見シーズン(3月-4月)
- 端午の節句(5月5日)
- 母の日(5月の第二日曜日)
- 父の日(6月の第三日曜日)
- 七夕(7月7日)
- 暑中見舞い
- お中元
- お盆
- 七五三(11月15日)
- クリスマス(12月25日)
- お歳暮
Summer Gift-Giving Season or Ochūgen
In summer, there is a custom of sending a gift, called ochūgen, to those to whom we are indebted. The season for sending ochūgen varies between regions, but usually it falls in July and August. During this period, people wrap food items, seasonings, or household goods in noshi, paper tied with a red and white bow, and send them to any relatives and acquaintances who may have helped them in the past year. Children may send ochūgen to their parents, but only after they grow up and leave home. Family members who live together do not send ochūgen to each other.
The origin of this custom is a Chinese Daoist festival. In Daoism, people ward off evil by making offerings at jōgen (January 15th), chūgen (July 15th) and kagen (October 15th). Among them, chūgen became popular as a gift-giving occasion because it overlaps with the bon festival, when many people travel to visit one another.
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