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ホーム 日本について学ぶ 日米について学ぶ 米国について学ぶ
  1. 日本の農業の担い手 
  2. 日本の農業人口の減少
  3. 農家の規模と後継者問題
  4. 三ちゃん農業
  5. 農家の収入の変化
  6. 女性と農業
  7. 戦後日本の農地改革
  8. 日本の農地改革が成功した理由
  9. 農地の再編成
  10. 日本における食糧の自給
  11. 日本における米の自給
  12. 米の配給と補助金制度
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A farmer plows a rice paddy with an ox.
At the time of the land reform, agriculture in Japan was done by hand, with the help of oxen.1958.
Photo from Mainichi Shimbun.
Land Reform in Postwar Japan
As part of the democratization of Japan after World War II, Japanese leaders and Occupation authorities worked together to carry out land reform. It is regarded as one of the most successful of the Occupation-era reforms, and has become the model for land reform in other countries. The purpose of land reform was to reduce the wide gap between absentee landlords who owned agricultural land but did not farm it themselves, and tenant farmers who rented the land in exchange for giving the landlord a high proportion of the crop. The land reform laws were intended to limit the amount of farm land one household could own to about the amount of land that one family could farm themselves, without outside labor. The government forced absentee landlords to sell all their land to the government. Farmers were allowed to own a small amount of farm land that they could rent out to others ( 2.5 acres or one hectare in most parts of Japan, and 10 acres or 4 hectares in Hokkaido), and had to sell any excess to the government. The government then sold this land, usually to the tenant who had been farming it. The result greatly improved the living conditions of farmers.
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