- 集団就職
- 就職シーズン
- 新卒採用の仕組み
- 高卒採用の仕組み
- 日本の雇用制度
- 終身雇用
- 年功序列制度
- 賞与(ボーナス)制度
- 企業別組合
- 企業別組合の労使協調
- 失業保険
- 二分化された女性職:一般職と総合職
- 女性雇用者の増加
- 女性の多い職種
- 退職後の職位と社会保障
- 結婚退職・男女別定年
- 大企業と中小企業の関係
- パートタイムで働く女性たち
- 産業部門でみる日本の労働人口
A man advertises the old fashioned way near Yokohama train station.
Photo Courtesy of Jeff Laitila, www.sushicam.com.
Post-Retirement Employment and Social Security
Lifetime employment and seniority-based wages are balanced by a very early mandatory retirement age. It has been customary for private firms as well as the government to retire regular male employees at ages ranging from 55 to 62. Earlier retirement ages for women were common until the Supreme Court declared the practice to be discriminatory and illegal. As regular employees these retirees receive some form of pension, either as a large lump sum severance payment or as a regular monthly pension. These relatively young retirees generally continue working for several more years on a contract or part time basis, sometimes for the same employer or for an affiliated firm. They no longer earn a seniority-based wage, and they no longer enjoy long-term job security in these post-retirement positions. The Japanese government has a modest old age pension system that is similar to the American Social Security system.
job security
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