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  1. 1945年以降の労働組合の急速な発展
  2. 戦後日本の最初の労働法
  3. 労働ストライキと生産管理
  4. 血のメーデー(1952年5月1日)
  5. 総評(日本労働組合総評議会)の設立
  6. 急進的組合活動の盛衰
  7. 企業別組合
  8. 三池争議
  9. 日本式ストライキ
  10. ストライキ権は誰にあるか
  11. ストライキの種類
  12. 春期労働闘争(春闘)
  13. 企業別組合の労使協調
  14. 国鉄の民営化
  15. 組合組織の合流による「連合」の結成
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Seen from above, hundreds of people demonstrate for production control.
Japanese workers demonstrate for production control on April 12, 1946. Many of the banners say "seisan kanri" or production control.
Photo from Mainichi Shimbun.
Labor Strikes and Production Control
In 1945-46 economic conditions were severe and food was in short supply. Many companies shut down production or laid off workers who desperately needed their jobs. But at the same time, workers felt newly empowered to demand better working conditions and status. The result was a steady rise in labor strikes and slowdowns. When negotiations with management failed, the workers in some factories engaged in “production control” (seisan kanri) by locking out the managers and running the factories by themselves. Production control spread to over 200 mines, factories, railways, and even government offices in the first half of 1946. Click on CHARTS, below, for more information about labor disputes in 1946 and 1947.
言葉の説明:  strike

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