
- 1945年以降の労働組合の急速な発展
- 戦後日本の最初の労働法
- 労働ストライキと生産管理
- 血のメーデー(1952年5月1日)
- 総評(日本労働組合総評議会)の設立
- 急進的組合活動の盛衰
- 企業別組合
- 三池争議
- 日本式ストライキ
- ストライキ権は誰にあるか
- ストライキの種類
- 春期労働闘争(春闘)
- 企業別組合の労使協調
- 国鉄の民営化
- 組合組織の合流による「連合」の結成
Workers at the Ōmi Silk Thread Company went on strike in June, 1954 over inhumane working conditions.
Photo from Mainichi Shimbun.
Kinds of Strikes in Japan
In a labor strike, union workers stop working in order to pressure management to meet their demands. A union federation or an entire industry may coordinate a larger strike to press the same demands for all of its members.
A wildcat strike is an unannounced strike that may be illegal. A minority labor union or a group of unhappy workers might undertake such a strike, or it may come about because a sudden action by management has upset the workers so much that they decide to walk off the job.
A general strike is organized by national or regional coalition of labor unions and labor federations. It aims to stop work all across the country to achieve a political goal. In January 1947, the Occupation prohibited a planned national general strike.
Click on Charts, below, for more information about labor disputes in Japan.
general strike
union federation
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