- 1945年以降の労働組合の急速な発展
- 戦後日本の最初の労働法
- 労働ストライキと生産管理
- 血のメーデー(1952年5月1日)
- 総評(日本労働組合総評議会)の設立
- 急進的組合活動の盛衰
- 企業別組合
- 三池争議
- 日本式ストライキ
- ストライキ権は誰にあるか
- ストライキの種類
- 春期労働闘争(春闘)
- 企業別組合の労使協調
- 国鉄の民営化
- 組合組織の合流による「連合」の結成
Members of RENGO, an enterprise union, participate in a May Day rally.
Photo from International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
Enterprise Unions in Japan
With the support of Occupation authorities and conservative Japanese politicians, labor became more moderate in its approach towards management. The new relationship that emerged in the 1950s between workers and management is called enterprise unionism.
An enterprise union is a company union and not an industry-wide union or craft union. It includes all “regular” non-management employees—both blue collar and white collar—regardless of the work they do. It is usually led by employees who come from the ranks of young white collar workers, but have not yet become part of management.
Enterprise unions exclude contract (temporary term) workers. Contract workers cannot join the union and so do not enjoy the same benefits regular union members do. The enterprise union system provides strong job security and good wages and benefits to regular employees by allowing companies to hire contract workers, who do not have the same job security and benefits.
enterprise union
job security
craft union
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