
- 誕生日
- 歯の妖精
- 洗礼
- キンセアネーラ
- 運転免許
- バル・ミツバー
- アパッチ族の日の出の儀式
The Tooth Fairy
Young children look forward to the arrival of the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy is a mythical creature who collects children’s teeth in the middle of the night. Children usually lose their first teeth between ages five and seven. Every time a child loses a tooth, these “baby teeth” are placed under the child’s pillow for collection by the tooth fairy. Children hope that money will be left by the tooth fairy in exchange for their teeth.
Tooth fairy traditions differ according to each family. Some parents may leave a few coins under the pillow and some may leave dollar bills in exchange for a tooth. Parents sometimes leave more money for molars. Visits from the tooth fairy usually end by age thirteen, the age when most adult teeth have grown in. By then, children have known the identity of the tooth fairy for a long time.
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