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A young driver excited about being behind the wheel.
Photo from PASS Virginia.
Driver’s License
Many American teenagers eagerly look forward to the day they can drive a car. Car keys symbolize freedom, responsibility, and adulthood. In order to drive, one must first obtain a driver’s license. Each state sets its own driver’s license requirements, but most states require a written test, a vision test, and a driving test. The minimum age to drive differs depending on the state. A person must reach the age of sixteen in Connecticut, Texas, and Hawaii in order to get a driver’s license. In Montana, a person can acquire a license at the age of fifteen if a driver’s education course is taken; without a driver’s education course, the age is sixteen. The state of New York allows seventeen year olds to drive with the completion of a driver’s education course. Without the course, the age is eighteen. A driver’s education class teaches road rules and automobile safety. Students also have the opportunity to practice their driving skills with a driving instructor. But even if someone takes the course and reaches the minimum driving age, he or she must also pass the driving test. Once a teenager receives a license, he or she will probably be allowed to drive the family car.
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