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  1. アメリカにおける農業の担い手
  2. アメリカにおける農業の効率
  3. 農業助成金
  4. マイノリティの農場経営者
  5. 「平和のための食糧」プログラム
  6. アメリカにおけるバイオテクノロジーと農業
  7. 大規模企業農場の発展
  8. ファームエイド
  9. 工場的農業
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Hundreds of chicken crowded into a low building.
Chickens at a modern factory farm.
Courtesy of Farm Sanctuary.
Factory Farming
More and more chickens and hogs are being raised on large-scale farms called "factory farms." Those who say that this type of farming is cruel to the animals and very harmful to the environment use the term. On these farms, overcrowding of animals is common and animal waste runoff is blamed for contaminating rivers, streams and groundwater. Click on PICTURES below to see an additional photo of chickens at a modern factory farm.
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