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  1. 社会保障と退職
  2. 退職年齢と社会保障
  3. 家で仕事をする人々
  4. 長くなっている退職後の人生
  5. 雇用傾向
  6. アメリカ国内の外国人労働者
  7. アメリカにおけるメキシコ人労働者
  8. 労働安全基準
  9. 職場における負傷や死亡
  10. 大規模企業農場の発展
  11. アメリカの労働組合組織率
  12. 働く女性に関する法律
  13. アメリカにおける労働協約
  14. 労働権法
  15. アメリカにおける公務員労働組合
  16. 失業保険
  17. 雇用機会の均等に関する法律
  18. 労働者の補償
  19. 農業雇用における最低年齢
  20. 職場における未成年者
  21. 最低賃金
  22. 障害者の雇用
  23. アメリカにおける主な雇用機会均等に関する法律
  24. サービス産業における雇用
  25. 失業
  26. 州独自の労働者補償法
  27. 失業中の生活
  28. 最低賃金と貧困
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A  worker scoops fries at a fast food restaurant
A teenager working at a fast food restaurant in Detroit.
Photo from Jim West.
Minors in the Workplace
National legislation designed to protect working children was passed in 1938. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulates the use of child labor in non-agricultural industries. This law limits the age workers to sixteen and over, and if the job is dangerous, to 18 and over. It provides guidelines for the types of jobs 14 and 15-year-olds can perform, and requires employers to pay child workers at least minimum wage. The law also states that 14- and 15-year-olds may work outside of school hours for a maximum of 3 hours per day and 18 hours per week when school is in session and a maximum of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week when school is not in session. This group is prohibited from working before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m., except during summers, when they may work until 9 p.m. A 1997 investigation by the Associated Press found that “close to 4 percent of all 12 to 17-year-olds in any given week ere employed illegally.” The investigation further found that 290,200 children were employed unlawfully in 1996, including close to 60,000 under the age of 14 and 13,000 children who were working in factories that had repeated labor violations.
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