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  1. アメリカにおける農業の担い手
  2. 大規模企業農場の発展
  3. ファームエイド
  4. 長期ストライキと暴力
  5. ストライキ中に起こること
  6. アメリカにおけるストライキ
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Uniformed police stand in a line before strikers.
During strikes, tense scenes between labor and management can be seen.
Photo from David Bacon.
Long Strikes and Violence
A strategy management sometimes uses to break a strike is to outlast the strikers. Although strikes cause immense financial damage to companies, some companies have enough financial reserves to wait it out. Their hope is that the striking workers will become so desperate for money that they will have to give up their demands and return to work. As a strike drags on, tension between management and labor increases, tempers on both sides flare, and sometimes violence occurs. In extreme cases, workers have sometimes tried to sabotage company machinery and destroy company property. Company owners have sometimes hired "goons" to physically intimidate or rough up striking workers. Click on PICTURES below to see an additional photo of Los Angeles police who have been called in to arrest angry striking janitors at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, 1997.
言葉の説明:  strike

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