- 札幌雪まつり(北海道札幌市)
- 青森ねぶた(青森県青森市)
- 隅田川花火大会(東京都)
- 高山祭(岐阜県高山市)
- はだか祭り(愛知県稲沢市)
- 若草山の山焼き(奈良県奈良市)
- 祇園祭(京都府京都市)
- 阿波踊り(徳島県徳島市)
- よさこい祭り(高知県高知市)
- 長崎くんち(長崎県長崎市)
- エイサー祭り(沖縄県沖縄市)
The Sumida River Fireworks Festival explodes over part of the city skyline.
Photo Courtesy of The Fields, The Sky website.
Sumida River Firework Festival (Tokyo)
Displays of fireworks are a natural part of summertime in Japan. On weekends in July and August, fireworks displays are held on the banks of rivers throughout the country. Embankments and streets bustle with people dressed in traditional summer clothing called yukata, and for over an hour beautiful fireworks are set off. In the vicinity of Tokyo there are several fireworks displays every year, however, the most traditional and best known among them is the fireworks festival at the Sumida River. The Sumida River Fireworks Festival is said to have started over 250 years ago during the mid Edo period. One year, there was an unusually poor harvest and many people died of starvation. In order to comfort their souls and to disperse evil spirits, a festival was held at the Sumida River in honor of the god of water. It is said that the current fireworks festival tradition began after they had fireworks at that water god festival. At the 2004 Sumida River Fireworks Festival over 20,000 fireworks were launched and nearly one million people came to view the display.
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